Frequently asked questions

Updated on Monday 03 October 2022

What are the different types of business expenses?

There are 2 major groups of business expenses:

  • expenses that can be billed to the end customer
  • non-billable expenses

Assignment expenses that can be billed to the end customer

In this case, the customer pays the expenses. These expenses should be planned initially in the assignment agreement you signed. There are two types of assignment expense:

Actual costs

The reimbursement of the costs “actually incurred” consists in paying the exact amount of the costs incurred in the course of the assignment. It is imperative to provide receipts which are sent to the client with the invoice. These expenses are reimbursed when we receive the payment from the customer.

Fee package

You negotiate expenses with your client as a flat-rate. In this case, we invoice the expense package at the predefined flat-rate. No receipts need to be sent to the customer. However, it is imperative to provide us with a statement of expenses as well as supporting documents to be reimbursed for the amount declared. If the statement is less than the flat-rate, the remainder can be reimbursed subsequently.

Operating costs or non-billables

These expenses correspond to costs incurred during your work as a consultant (purchase of supplies, travel related to appointments for prospecting, flat-rate for telephone/internet, etc.). It is important to set aside provisions for these upstream with your Human Resource Advisor who is at your disposal to guide you on how it works.

Is paid leave managed differently in a portage salarial company?

Paid leave is managed in the same way as for conventional employees. You have 25 days paid leave per annum or 2.08 per month. Consequently, your leave is provisioned and paid in advance. It is therefore paid to you every month without exception.

When you wish to take leave, these days are not paid. You do, however, have the possibility of putting money aside on your consultant account to give yourself a salary during your days’ absence.

If I am off work sick, what are the steps to follow?

When you are ill, you should send in your doctor’s certificate within 48 hrs: sheets 1 and 2 to the medical service of your health insurance fund, and section 3 to your employer, AD’Missions.

Social security will make up your salary in the form of daily sick pay after your declaration. You can use the cash in your consultant account to maintain your salary while you are off work. Social security will pay you daily sick pay but will not make-up your full salary.

If you are planning to take maternity/paternity leave, you should send AD’Missions a request for absence with the desired dates in advance and they will take care of the formalities with the health insurance fund.

How is sub-contracting managed at AD’Missions?

You have an assignment and you need the help of another consultant or company? With an portage company, it’s possible. If you have identified the sub-contracting you require right from the start of your mission, you can write it into the commercial agreement. Later, the sub-contractor will only have to invoice AD’Missions.

Should the sub-contractor not be able to raise an invoice as they have no business registration (SIRET), you can invite them to be hosted by AD’Missions. You should inform your HRA in any case to manage your sub-contracting needs.

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