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Portage salarial company salary calculation

Our simulator allows you to calculate the amount of your gross salary depending on your turnover. To do so, enter your Average Daily Rate, the number of days of your assignment and the number of months. You can add your billable and non billable business expenses to optimise your take home salary. On the basis of this information, we estimate your take-home pay. This can be up to 67% of your turnover Excluding Tax thanks to accounting services.

Add social charges and fees

Your net income

(salary, fees...)
5,725 €/month
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Calculation of your salary

Turnover collected before tax /year
138,000 €
Turnover collected before tax /month
11,500 €
Management fees
575 €
Operating costs
0 €
175 €
Amount to be transformed
10,749 €
All employer contributions
3,723 €
Gross salary /month
7,025 €
All salary contributions
1,440 €
Net to pay before withholding tax :
5,585 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
5,725 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
68,709 € /over the duration of the mission

Withholding tax

Breakdown of your turnover

Net Return (salary, reserve, expenses)
Employer's Contributions
Employee Contributions
Management fees

A portage salarial company’s business model lies on management fees. A consultant within a portage salarial company pays a small percentage of his total income excluding taxes to his/her portage salarial company. These management fees can be regressive depending on the total sales revenues generated. Most portage salarial companies range between 5% and 10% depending on the services included.

Your contract

CDI (undetermined end-date contract) in a portage salarial company

Framework Statute

Complementary health insurance

Meal tickets

Simulate your daily rate

Calculate your daily rate

This tool is intended to help your freelance day rate based on your desired yearly gross salary

The different expenses in portage salarial companies

Every professional activity generates expenses, either from commercial prospection, professional trips or simple your internet billing. In contrary to micro-entrepreneurship, all professional expenses can be included in your final salary as expense reports.

There are two ways we can define professional expenses in umbrella companies. There are expenses linked to your mission with a client, and the expenses linked to your freelance activity.

Professional expenses linked to my freelance activity

These expenses involve all the bills and charges that are directly linked to my independent company as a freelancing consultant, these are not invoiced to my client, but you can still claim your money back as they are business expenses. These expenses under certain conditions are not taxed. The reimbursement of overheads is regulated by URSSAF, with strict rules and should not exceed 30% of your gross salary.

These expenses can result in extra income on your monthly salary and you should not hesitate to include them in your calculations.

A few examples of expenses linked to your freelancing activity:

  • Mobile or internet bills (professional mobile, ADSL)
  • Your communication expenses (LinkedIn Premium account, domain name for your website)
  • Coworking spaces
  • Stationary expenses (flyers, pens, paper) for small amounts
  • Your professional prospection to obtain new clients (you need to fly to your client’s office to meet him in person)

Professional expenses during your mission

Contrary to your activity expenses, mission expenses don’t have a limit and you fully get those expenses back.

Mission expenses include all the spending you’re going to have to negotiate with your client in addition to your actual consultancy fee, these must be stipulated in your commercial contract.

All expense reports must be forwarded to your client, unless you have established a bundle fixed price.

Here are a few examples of mission expenses:

  • Travel expenses (train, plane, taxis, uber etc.)
  • Mile counts (if you use your own personal car)
  • Meal expenses
  • Accommodation fees (hotels, if you must travel far from home)

Declaring your professional expenses to your portage salarial company

Every month you have to declare your professional expenses to your portage salarial company. You must send in your expense reports with dates and originals to your HR representative or via your online personal account. Ad’missions has the legal right to deny some expenses if they present a legal or social risk to the company. Your human resources counsellor will check them every month.

Don’t hesitate to compare different salary simulations with or without expenses to see the differences in your net income.

Source tax with umbrella companies

In France since January 2019, revenue taxes are directly taken from the source (from your monthly salary). In umbrella companies, it works the same way as regular employee contracts. Every month, the administration communicates your tax rate to the portage salarial company. This rate will be applied on your monthly income.

How does it work?

Tax at source, as it clearly states, is taxes directly taken from the source of your income every month. The payment of your taxes is now done over 12 months. Every spring you still have to declare your annual revenue from the previous year. This lets the administration adapt your tax rate and communicate it to your portage salarial company. This rate is calculated on the declaration of your yearly income, your deductible charges, the members of your family, situation changes or any expenses that are open to tax deductions.

Your tax rate can be different:

  • Personalized tax rate:

The personalized tax rate is applied automatically to your income and is calculated by the administration every after your annual tax declaration. It is personalized because it is calculated from data that you have given to the state about your income and family status. For example: your personalized rate for September 2020 will be based on your income for the year 2019. You can adapt your personalized rate on your online account “Gérer mon prélèvement à la source” at impots.gouv.fr.

  • Neutral tax rate:

The neutral tax rate is applied when your personalized tax rate is unknown from the administration and has not been transferred to your portage salarial company. You can also choose not to communicate your personalized rate; your employer will then apply a neutral tax rate to your salary. Be warned that neutral tax rates are usually a bit higher than your personalized tax rate.

You can also not be taxable; your portage salarial company will then apply a neutral tax rate of 0% on your monthly salary.

What is the role of your portage salarial company?

Your portage salarial company in this case is your employer and does not intervene in the management of your taxes. Therefore, with your human resources counsellor, he/she can help you in your approaches.

All approaches linked to your income tax, how to change your personalized rate, changing your marital situation or any other information can be done on your online account at www.impots.gouv.fr.

Contracts with umbrella companies

Two types of contracts in portage salarial companies

When you start working with a portage salarial company, you have to define the type of contract, either CDD, which is a contract with a determined end date, or a CDI which is a contract with an undetermined end date. These contracts determine the working conditions. As soon as it is signed, the consultant can start his mission with the client. There are different specificities between the two contracts, the CDD can’t exceed 18 months and the CDI cannot exceed 36 months with the same client.

Contract with a determined end date

The CDD (as it is called in France), has a few different specificities through umbrella companies:

  • It includes payment conditions
  • The expertise and skills of the consultant
  • And details of the services offered by the consultant

Contract with an undetermined end date

The CDI in portage salarial companies is no different than a classic contract between an employer and an employee. Therefore, certain clauses allow for consultants to follow educational courses. Contrary to the original CDI, in portage salarial companies, it does not mention salary amounts and only mentions the salary instalments of the consultant.


There are a few differences between the CDI and the CDD in portage salairal companies, there is no subordination between the employer (umbrella company) and the consultant. The portage salarial company does have the right to look into the negotiated services provided by the consultant, they can also make you recommendations. Every month, the consultant must send in a monthly activity report, that must be signed by the client, this will enable your salary, the consultant can access this report directly on his online account.

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Comparison of your salary

Turnover collected before tax /year
Turnover collected before tax /month
Management fees
Operating costs
Amount to be transformed
All employer contributions
Gross salary /month
All salary contributions
Net to pay before withholding tax :
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
Simulation 1
138000 €
11500 €
575 €
0 €
175 €
10749 €
3723 €
7025 €
1440 €
5585 € /month
5725 € /month
68709 € /over the duration of the mission
Simulation 1
Turnover collected before tax /year
138000 €
Turnover collected before tax /month
11500 €
Management fees
575 €
Operating costs
0 €
175 €
Amount to be transformed
10749 €
All employer contributions
3723 €
Gross salary /month
7025 €
All salary contributions
1440 €
Net to pay before withholding tax :
5585 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
5725 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
68709 € /over the duration of the mission
Simulation 2
Turnover collected before tax /year
138000 €
Turnover collected before tax /month
11500 €
Management fees
575 €
Operating costs
0 €
175 €
Amount to be transformed
10749 €
All employer contributions
3723 €
Gross salary /month
7025 €
All salary contributions
1440 €
Net to pay before withholding tax :
5585 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
5725 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
68709 € /over the duration of the mission
Simulation 3
Turnover collected before tax /year
138000 €
Turnover collected before tax /month
11500 €
Management fees
575 €
Operating costs
0 €
175 €
Amount to be transformed
10749 €
All employer contributions
3723 €
Gross salary /month
7025 €
All salary contributions
1440 €
Net to pay before withholding tax :
5585 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
5725 € /month
Net restitution
(salaries, reserve, costs)
68709 € /over the duration of the mission
With Ad'missions, you'll benefit from all these services

At Ad’Missions you will be assisted by your own dedicated human ressources councellor for the entirety of your contract. He’ll help with all your activity, from billing to the management of your expenses, to the restitution of your salary every month. Expert of portage salarial companies, he’ll council you and help you make the best choices for your career and will adapt to your situation to offer you unique recomendations. We have agencies all over France, your regional director will be available to invite your to the latest courses, networking events and will help you in your search for new clients.

Your online space will enable you to manage your whole activity wherever, whenever, on tablet, smartphone or PC. You can create your purchase orders, add your expenses, send in your monthly activity report (CRA) whilst keeping an eye on your income. You can drive your independant activity whilst keeping the security and advantages of normal employment thanks to a simple, intuitif and fast online tool.

Being a consultant with a portage salarial company means you keep all the advantages of normal employment status. It also means you can benefit from all the diffrent salary optimisation to increase your net income.

  • The PEE : is a collective savings scheme that opens up to you after a 3 month period within the portage salarial company. Voluntary payments from the consultant are completed by the company to constitute a portfolio of securities.
  • The PERCO : collective savings scheme for retirement : helps you constitute savings accessible only at your retirement.
  • Dematerialised job vouchers: it lets you pay for certain amounts excluding taxes.

Your dedicated contact with Ad’missions can help you optimise your salary and lower your taxes.

As a consultant of a portage salarial company, you can claim your expenses, whether they are billed to your client or not. You can add your expenses directly on your online plateform, you have to include that date of the expense, the location. All expenses are checked by the URSAFF, all jutsifications must be sent as soon as possible to your dedicated contact. Your expenses will show up every week, once validated by your client and you dedicated contact at Ad’missions. For a purchase higher than 500€, you must have a CDI contract and have a bill under the name of your portage salarial company.

At Ad’missions, whether you are trainer or trainee you can benefit from all our training services. As an independant Training consultant with a portage salarial company, Ad’missions has a declaration number that allows it to be used as a training organisation. We are referenced at the Datadock and have the label OPQF, Ad’missions can bring you a complete solution to offer your training programs and optimise your training solutions.

As a consultant you can participate in training courses to perfect you skills or acquire new ones. The training department can help you optimise your training and offer you different financial plans to persue  your training all through your career.

Dedicated client support

At Ad’Missions you will be assisted by your own dedicated human ressources councellor for the entirety of your contract. He’ll help with all your activity, from billing to the management of your expenses, to the restitution of your salary every month. Expert of portage salarial companies, he’ll council you and help you make the best choices for your career and will adapt to your situation to offer you unique recomendations. We have agencies all over France, your regional director will be available to invite your to the latest courses, networking events and will help you in your search for new clients.

Consultant online management

Your online space will enable you to manage your whole activity wherever, whenever, on tablet, smartphone or PC. You can create your purchase orders, add your expenses, send in your monthly activity report (CRA) whilst keeping an eye on your income. You can drive your independant activity whilst keeping the security and advantages of normal employment thanks to a simple, intuitif and fast online tool.

Salary optimisation tools

Being a consultant with a portage salarial company means you keep all the advantages of normal employment status. It also means you can benefit from all the diffrent salary optimisation to increase your net income.

  • The PEE : is a collective savings scheme that opens up to you after a 3 month period within the portage salarial company. Voluntary payments from the consultant are completed by the company to constitute a portfolio of securities.
  • The PERCO : collective savings scheme for retirement : helps you constitute savings accessible only at your retirement.
  • Dematerialised job vouchers: it lets you pay for certain amounts excluding taxes.

Your dedicated contact with Ad’missions can help you optimise your salary and lower your taxes.

Expense management

As a consultant of a portage salarial company, you can claim your expenses, whether they are billed to your client or not. You can add your expenses directly on your online plateform, you have to include that date of the expense, the location. All expenses are checked by the URSAFF, all jutsifications must be sent as soon as possible to your dedicated contact. Your expenses will show up every week, once validated by your client and you dedicated contact at Ad’missions. For a purchase higher than 500€, you must have a CDI contract and have a bill under the name of your portage salarial company.

Training organisation

At Ad’missions, whether you are trainer or trainee you can benefit from all our training services. As an independant Training consultant with a portage salarial company, Ad’missions has a declaration number that allows it to be used as a training organisation. We are referenced at the Datadock and have the label OPQF, Ad’missions can bring you a complete solution to offer your training programs and optimise your training solutions.

As a consultant you can participate in training courses to perfect you skills or acquire new ones. The training department can help you optimise your training and offer you different financial plans to persue  your training all through your career.

Contact us and benefit from expert advice

How to calculate your salary ?

You are interested in portage salarial companies because it let’s you keep your professional independance whilst maintaining your social advantages from an normal employee status. Before making your decision, you’d like to calculate and estimate your futur salary and mesure these advantages. Here are a few steps to help your calculate your salary.

1Define your daily rate

First of all, you must calculate your daily rate or your total estimate revenue. In our simulation, you can calculate your daily rate by just filling in your old yearly revenue as an employee. Once you have that data, you have to multiply it by the number of days you’ll work a month to get your monthly revenue. Little tip : if you come from normal employment, we recommend you overestimate your daily rate compared to your usual salary.

2Add social charges and our portage salarial company fees

As a consultant in a portage salarial company, you make the most of all the social advantages of a normal employee. You must pay social charges. As en employer, your portage salarial company must pay employer charges, as you employee must pay employee charges. These charges are directly taken from your gross revenue. Portage salarial companies follow a business model based on management fees that usually range between 5% and 10%, these include educational charges, salary optimisation, administration fees, accountancy fees, legal assistance and all advances on salaries.

3Calculate your expenses

All you need to do now is calculate your expenses per day. These expenses are added on top of your net revenue. You have to take into acocunt the expenses linked to your mission with your client (transportation, hotels, taxis etc) and all expenses linked to your freelancing activity (computer, internet bill, smartphone subscription). You calculate these expenses and divide them by the number of days you’ll work.

To Provide
Daily rate or your revenue
Management fees and social charges
Expenses linked to your mission or your activity
To use
Our simulation calculator
10 minutes

Calculate your salary

Our simulator let’s you calculate your salary based on your gross revenue. 

To do so, you must fill in your daily rate, the number of days and months you’ll be working. You can add your profesionnal expenses to optimisez your restitution every month. Based on this information, we can estimate how much you are going to earn. With Ad’missions you can obtain up to 67% of your gross revenue excluding taxes thanks to salary optimisation.

Salary and tax optimisation


Arnaud, 33, works as a SAP consultant.

He chose Ad’missions to be able to retain the advantages of the employee system he had been in for the previous 10 years. His ADR is €650 for a monthly turnover of €13,000. As soon as he arrived at AD’Missions, his advisor reviewed his situation to understand his needs. Together, they identify the fact that his activity and numerous trips to the provinces justify the implementation of a non-rebillable expense package. This package optimises the financial return, as these expenses are not subject to social contributions and therefore enables a recovery of 53% of billing.


Sandra has a passion for digital marketing, and works as a freelance project leader.

Her ADR is 450 for an activity that brings in 9,000 excl. tax per month. She chose an umbrella company to free herself from the administrative and management constraints. Sandra regularly reviews her situation with her AD’Missions advisor in order to optimise her budgeting. To pay for a nanny to look after her son, she uses Job Vouchers. Each year, she also makes use of other tax advantages of the umbrella service which are the Company Savings Scheme and the Collective Retirement Scheme. Therefore, making maximum use of the Job Vouchers (€1,830 per annum), the Savings Scheme (€3,812 per annum) and the Retirement Scheme (€7,624 per annum), Sandra reduces taxation and optimises her income, in harmony with her lifestyle and her long-term projects.


Having been Administrative and Financial Director, at 55 Michel decided to make changes to his career. Now he is an independent transition manager.

He chose the umbrella company to keep the same retirement scheme and to be able to work less than full-time part of the year (approximately 6 months in full-time equivalent). His ADR is €1,200 for a monthly turnover of €13,000. After talking to his AD’Missions advisor, Michel understood the advantages of optimising labour costs in order to maximise the amounts of his contributions and the aggregate of quarters worked. In this way, he chooses to smooth his income, transforming the billing of fees over the equivalent of 6 months service into 12 months salary. In addition, Michel can make use of the advantageous collective retirement scheme to save up to €7,624 per annum. When he reaches retirement, he can receive the benefits of the scheme as a pension or a lump sum.

Revenue Optimisation

Arnaud, 33, works as a SAP consultant.

He chose Ad’missions to be able to retain the advantages of the employee system he had been in for the previous 10 years. His ADR is €650 for a monthly turnover of €13,000. As soon as he arrived at AD’Missions, his advisor reviewed his situation to understand his needs. Together, they identify the fact that his activity and numerous trips to the provinces justify the implementation of a non-rebillable expense package. This package optimises the financial return, as these expenses are not subject to social contributions and therefore enables a recovery of 53% of billing.

Financial and tax optimisation

Sandra has a passion for digital marketing, and works as a freelance project leader.

Her ADR is 450 for an activity that brings in 9,000 excl. tax per month. She chose an umbrella company to free herself from the administrative and management constraints. Sandra regularly reviews her situation with her AD’Missions advisor in order to optimise her budgeting. To pay for a nanny to look after her son, she uses Job Vouchers. Each year, she also makes use of other tax advantages of the umbrella service which are the Company Savings Scheme and the Collective Retirement Scheme. Therefore, making maximum use of the Job Vouchers (€1,830 per annum), the Savings Scheme (€3,812 per annum) and the Retirement Scheme (€7,624 per annum), Sandra reduces taxation and optimises her income, in harmony with her lifestyle and her long-term projects.

Social optimisation

Having been Administrative and Financial Director, at 55 Michel decided to make changes to his career. Now he is an independent transition manager.

He chose the umbrella company to keep the same retirement scheme and to be able to work less than full-time part of the year (approximately 6 months in full-time equivalent). His ADR is €1,200 for a monthly turnover of €13,000. After talking to his AD’Missions advisor, Michel understood the advantages of optimising labour costs in order to maximise the amounts of his contributions and the aggregate of quarters worked. In this way, he chooses to smooth his income, transforming the billing of fees over the equivalent of 6 months service into 12 months salary. In addition, Michel can make use of the advantageous collective retirement scheme to save up to €7,624 per annum. When he reaches retirement, he can receive the benefits of the scheme as a pension or a lump sum.

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